This is what Die Stern-Taler, Grebenhain offers
At Die Stern-Taler you will find the following brands
At Die Stern-Taler you will find the following goods
- Accessories
- essential oils
- Bracelets
- Images
- Books
- Decorative stones
- Stainless steel
- Gemstones
- Gifts
- Gold
- Gongs
- Healing stones
- Chains with pendants
- Singing bowls
- Sound games
- Minerals
- oils
- Pendulum
- Incense sticks
- Rings
- Jewelry
- Silver
- Statues
- Zodiac pendant
- Drums
Die Stern-Taler offers the following services
- Blockade solution
- Coaching
- Decoration
- Design
- Relaxation methods
- Relaxation techniques
- Health Promotion
- Otherworldly contacts
- Life Counseling
- Mediation
- Meditation
- Mental training
- Shuttle courses
- Personality development
- Personal Coaching
- Personal Training
- Sleep disorders
- Seminars
- Stress Relief
- Stress Management
- Stress Management
- Stress Reduction
- Deep relaxation
- Wellness
- Workshops