This is what Planungsbüro-Sachverständiger CL-TGA-Consult, Cologne offers
At Planungsbüro-Sachverständiger CL-TGA-Consult you will find the following brands
At Planungsbüro-Sachverständiger CL-TGA-Consult you will find the following goods
- Condominiums
- Building services engineering
- Real Estate
- Multi-family houses
- Oil condensing boiler
- Control technology
- Solar systems
- Heat pumps
Planungsbüro-Sachverständiger CL-TGA-Consult offers the following services
- Old building renovation
- Architecture consulting
- Construction monitoring
- Building consultation
- Site management
- Energy consulting
- Energy efficiency consulting
- Surveyor
- Handicraft consulting
- Buy house
- House purchase advice
- Property manager
- Heating report
- Heating modernization
- Real estate consulting
- Real estate purchase
- Real estate management
- Rental management
- New construction
- New construction consulting
- Planning and implementation of conversion measures
- Planning of MSR systems for heating systems
- Project Management
- Renovation
- Expert services
- Redevelopment
- Redevelopment consulting
- Smart home planning
- Technical opinions
- Conversion management
- WEG management