This is what COUPERS Friseure in der City, Hanover offers
At COUPERS Friseure in der City you will find the following brands
At COUPERS Friseure in der City you will find the following goods
- Balayage
- Permanent wave
- Color
- Foil strands
- Hairdressers
- Hairstyles
- Gift vouchers
- Hair Coloring
- Hair care
- Hair care products
- Hair styling
- Cosmetics
- Make-up
- Nails
- Wigs
- Care products
- Eyelashes
COUPERS Friseure in der City offers the following services
- Attachment color
- Eyebrows dye
- Pluck eyebrows
- Bridal hairstyles
- Coloration
- Ladies hairstyles
- Ladies haircut
- Perms
- Dip-Dye
- Extensions
- Blow dry
- Straighten hair
- Hair dye
- Haircut
- Hair straightening
- Haircut
- Hair thickening
- Hair extension
- Hairstyling
- Men hairstyles
- Men's cut
- Updos
- wedding make up
- Wedding hairstyles
- Head massage
- Nail design
- Nail design
- Wig service
- Highlights
- Strands
- Styling
- Trend hairstyles
- Type consultation
- Dye eyelashes
- Eyelash lift
- Eyelash thickening
- Eyelash extension
- Second hair service