This is what Burger Apotheke, Berlin offers
At Burger Apotheke you will find the following brands
- Aspirin®
- Bionorica®
- Cetaphil®
- DHU®
- Eubos®
- Eucerin®
- Hansaplast® ?
- Hermès®
- Klosterfrau® ?
- Kneipp® ?
- Ladival®
- Linda® ?
- Louis Widmer®
- Medela® ?
- Orthomol®
- Prima® ?
- Primavera®
- Ratiopharm®
- Ricola®
- Roche Posay® ?
- Sinupret®
- Sterillium® ?
- ThermaCare®
- Thomapyrin®
- Vichy®
- Warmies® ?
- Weleda® ?
- Wick® ?
At Burger Apotheke you will find the following goods
Burger Apotheke offers the following services
- Blood pressure measurement
- Blood tests
- Blood glucose measurement
- Nutritional counseling
- Incontinence advice